Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Red Hot Guest Post!

I am so honored to share this incredible guest post by my pal, Leesa Askins! 
She is a independant, high fashion shoe blogger who brings the most fabulous shoes worn by locals in the city on the streets!
Check her out at : Shoes and the City-SF
Girl's got "sole!" 

I’m Seeing Red

Red bottoms are no longer seen as a design element they are now a fashion statement. It seems like whenever you turn on the television, or go to the movies Christian Louboutin’s red bottoms are the only soles you see. Every woman in Hollywood owns at least one pair of the trendy heels, weather if it’s a rocker like Gwen Stefani or a classic actress like Meryl Streep, they are a must have.

Louboutin’s are becoming so popular that Jennifer Lopez entitled her song Louboutin.  In 2009 Jennifer Lopez and Brandy both recorded the song talking about “just throwing on their Louboutins” It is not just female artist singing about the beautiful shoes rappers like Jay-Z and Rick Ross also mention the shoes in some of their recorded hits.  If musicians are not singing about the hot shoes they are wearing them in the videos like Fergie in the ‘Imma Be’ video. Stars are so obsessed with that red bottom they just can’t get enough.  

Reality television is not going to go away anytime soon, it is a guilty pleasure we all like to indulge in, but when watching your favorite show have ever noticed a lot of red? One show that seems to be just a sea of red bottoms is Keeping Up With The Kardashians. The only shoes that these women wear are Christian Louboutins; if they are going to a red carpet event or just shopping they have on a pair of the stylish shoes.  Even if you are not interested in the Kardashian drama, you want to watch a talk show like Oprah look down at her feet I’m positive you will see the famous red bottom. Or if you are interesting in a good sitcom the girls from Gossip Girl and the women from Desperate Housewives have been seen in Mr. Louboutin shoes a few times.

Lights, camera, Louboutins. That’s how the movies feel now; Christian Louboutins are becoming the common denominator in films. I have spotted the red soles in several box office hits like Devil Wears Prada, The Back Up Plan, Valentine’s Day and Bad Teacher. That’s only naming a few, the characters in these movies have on thing in common and that is the label on their shoes.

Louboutins are beautiful shoes, and they have a very pricy tag on them but most women see them as a wonderful investment. The only down fall with these stunning shoes is that it seems like everyone who is everyone in Hollywood owns a pair and they could own your pair.  I don’t think that this brand will disappear any time soon and right now I’m really enjoying looking at them, but now there is not sense of surprise you know that when you look at a magazine, turn on the T.V., or go to the movie theater you know what shoe the main character will be wearing.

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